Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Eeek, leaks!

I figured it was only a matter of time...

Yesterday we ran into two issues: obviously the leaking, but also a strange smell every time she would pee.

So after about the third diaper that got me wet and smelled like she had eaten some asparagus, I had about 10 minutes of internally freaking out.  I had visions of diaper stripping running through my head, and I really didnt want to go there after 4 days on the cloth. Then I told myself, "Hey, this stuff happens! There's no use getting worked up, I just need to start troubleshooting."

The smell issue was easy. When I had washed my diapers the night before, I decided to try to speed up my process. I HAD been washing a normal cycle on hot and then doing an extra rinse cycle, and that had been working.  But silly me, I had to try something new. I noticed a cycle on my washing machine that had a 15 minute soak, then wash, then a "power rinse."  I thought, surely that power rinse will be just as good as 2 rinses, or maybe better!  Nope. I went back to my original way when I washed them last night, and today there's no smell at all.

So now the leaking issue. First let me clarify, this was not after sitting in a wet diaper for 4 hours or anything, this was as soon as she would pee, it would leak.  First, I tried "testing" a diaper and insert. I slowly poured a little water on them, and it was sucked right up: no issues there.  So then I tried doubling the insert.  And aside from giving Annabelle a cute little ghetto booty: no change.  So then I thought, well maybe after washing them my original way, that would make them go back to not leaking. Nope, her first diaper his morning leaked a little, and her second leaked a lot.  Finally I had my Aha moment: The fit.  The very first time I tried them on her, I figured out where to snap everything.  One little problem: they hadn't been washed or dried yet. So I think they shrunk enough that the way I was snapping them, they were a little too small.

Here's a one size diaper at small, medium, and large rise

She's now on her third diaper today that isn't leaking. All I did was stop snapping the rise down to the medium rise.  I'm now keeping the rise unsnapped and going in one more snap at the waist. It's probably too early to tell if this solved the problem, but I'm hopeful it has!

Leak free at last!!!

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